reiki sessions near you

In-Person Reiki in
Lino Lakes, MN

In-Person Reiki Sessions

  • 30-minute session: $50

  • 60-minute session: $95

  • Location: Blue Turtles Art & Wellness
    - Lino Lakes, MN

What is Reiki?

Reiki, pronounced 'ray-kee,' is a gentle yet powerful Japanese energy healing practice that has been cherished for its ability to bring harmony and balance to the body, mind, and spirit. It's like a warm, comforting embrace that infuses you with life-force energy, known as 'Ki.'

During a Reiki session, a practitioner channels this healing energy through their hands, either by gently placing them on or hovering just above your body. The energy flows to where it’s needed most, helping to clear blockages, restore balance, and promote deep relaxation. It’s like giving yourself a big, energetic hug from the inside out!

Are you ready to discover a nurturing practice that can help you connect with your body's innate ability to heal? Let's talk about Reiki!

Think of Reiki as a holistic approach to wellness that doesn’t just focus on physical healing but also nurtures your emotional and spiritual well-being. By incorporating Reiki into your life, you can experience increased vitality, emotional clarity, and a stronger connection to your inner self, all while managing the beautiful chaos of mom life.

So, if you're looking for a way to feel more grounded, at peace, and connected with your true self, why not give Reiki a try? Let’s embark on this journey together and discover the transformative power of Reiki!

What are the
benefits of Reiki?

Reduce Stress: Reiki gently encourages relaxation by channeling calming energy into your body, helping to release stress and tension, and allowing you to find a moment of peace in the midst of your busy day.

Elevate Mood: The soothing energy of Reiki can uplift your spirits, promoting emotional balance and helping you navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and grace.

Enhance Sleep: By calming both your mind and body, Reiki can improve your sleep quality, helping you to wake up each day feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.

Support Physical Healing: Reiki works in harmony with your body's natural healing processes, helping to alleviate pain, speed up recovery, and enhance your overall physical well-being.

Boost Immune System: Regular Reiki sessions can strengthen your immune system by promoting balance and reducing stress, helping your body stay resilient and healthy.

Increase Self-Awareness: Reiki fosters a deeper connection to your inner self, enhancing self-awareness and helping you to live more authentically, in alignment with your true desires.

Promote Mental Clarity: Reiki can help clear mental fog, enhancing focus and concentration, allowing you to approach challenges with a sharper, more centered mind.

Balance Energy: By working with your body's energy centers, Reiki helps restore balance, promoting a sense of harmony and well-being that radiates through all aspects of your life.

What Moms Are Saying about Reiki Sessions

"Having struggled with stress and anxiety for most of my life, I was intrigued by what I was hearing about Reiki, but I was also somewhat skeptical given that if greatly differs from other therapies I’ve tried.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, so I was really surprised to realize I was harboring a lot of bad energy.  As Anna worked on clearing my energy pathways and getting me back in balance, I could literally see images of the bad energy leaving my body.  It was incredible!  By the time Anna reached my feet, I felt a great calm.  She allowed me to relax and reflect and enter back into my day as I was ready.  She was willing to answer and discuss all the questions I had.  I never felt rushed and I left in a much better place.  I would highly recommend her!" — Patricia

"My reiki session with Anna was incredible! I am a mom of two busy toddlers and just weaned my littlest 2 months ago. I have been on a journey to rediscover myself after getting lost in the throes of motherhood as well as working on healing from some past trauma. The session was incredibly powerful, healing and restorative. Reiki has been a powerful part of my current journey." — Sarah

"Anna is an excellent, professional, and caring Reiki practitioner. My mom died recently and yes, I’ve been grieving but I didn’t realize how much I was holding in until Anna did Reiki for me. As I lay on the bed, I began to have all kinds of images of things around my heart that were fleeing my body. I also had tightness in my throat area. After Anna was done and we talked about my experience, she suggested going outside and doing a grounding activity. After we finished this, I started weeping and all that tension/grief I was feeling was released! It was a very powerful, fulfilling experience and I will definitely have Anna do Reiki for me again."
— Marie