“To plant a seed is
to believe in a tomorrow.”

Hi, I’m Anna

Founder of
Root to Bloom

A Minnesota mama, nature-lover, and seeker of healing and growth.

My journey, including motherhood, has been filled with twists and turns that have led me to deep personal transformation and alignment with my authentic self. Becoming a mom marked a pivotal turning point, bringing clarity about what truly matters and solidifying my passion for supporting fellow mamas.

Along this winding path, I've immersed myself in mind-body healing modalities like Somatics, Nervous System Regulation, Reiki, Breathwork, Qigong and more. These practices have not only transformed my own life but also equipped me to walk alongside other moms through the ever-changing, beautifully messy seasons of motherhood and life itself.

Nature is my happy place, where I find peace and inspiration. You can often find me getting out on the water, sipping a matcha latte, immersing myself in a craft project, or simply taking in the beauty that surrounds us - often with my little one in tow, sharing these moments of joy and connection.

 A Few Fun Facts…

01. I have sky dived, bungy jumped and run a marathon.

Yes you read that right, I had an adventurous streak!

02. People often say I resemble a certain celebrity.

It’s true! I’ve been called a doppelgänger of Mandy Moore for as long as I can remember. Can you see the resemblance? Let me know!

03. I love Matcha!

I know most people are coffee lovers but I have fallen in love with Matcha and a simple Matcha latte with almond milk, honey and cinnamon is my go to!

How my business started…

My story of motherhood is deeply intertwined with a transformative healing journey. In 2020, my world was turned upside down by a chronic illness, leading me into years of darkness. This challenging period became the catalyst for profound inner work that ultimately transformed my life.

As I navigated this healing process, I realized I had been living far from my true self, often prioritizing others' needs over my own and neglecting to listen to myself or my body. I embarked on a journey to uncover and address the obstacles, beliefs, and patterns that were holding me back.

Becoming a mom added another profound layer to my journey. The tools and practices that had once anchored me felt suddenly out of reach as I was adrift in the new, beautiful, and messy experience of motherhood. It was through this process of rediscovering myself that I found immense healing in Reiki, Somatics and Breathwork. This newfound clarity revealed my deeper calling.

Root to Bloom emerged from my journey of motherhood and self-discovery, embodying my passion to offer Reiki, Somatics and Breathwork for moms. My mission is to guide and support fellow mamas on their own paths of growth and transformation, bringing healing and light to their body, mind, and spirit.

My qualifications

    • First Degree Reiki - Tacy Nielson, Sapphire Healing LLC (2022)

    • First and Second Degree Reiki: USUI/Holy Fire III Reiki Ryoho -
      Laura Hanstad, Bloom into Balance LLC (2024)

    • Embodied Breathwork - Kim Lovejoy Holistic Healing (2024)

Anna — Founder of Root to Bloom

"At Root to Bloom, I create a nurturing space where moms can reconnect with their bodies, regulate their nervous systems, experience holistic healing, and find support on the beautiful yet challenging journey of motherhood."