
Guiding Moms Back to Themselves: Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit

Root to Bloom was born from my personal journey of healing and transformation. After experiencing profound change through Reiki, Somatics, and Breathwork, and Nervous System Regulation, I now guide other moms to reconnect with their inner wisdom using these powerful modalities.

At Root to Bloom, I create a nurturing space where moms can reconnect with their bodies, regulate their nervous systems, experience holistic healing, and find support throughout the beautiful yet challenging journey of motherhood.

Your Path to Connection and Balance

Discover resources and support to help you feel regulated, grounded, and reconnected to yourself.

Do you ever feel like…

You are overwhelmed and burnt out from the demands of motherhood?

You are feeling depleted and fatigued and just don’t know how to fit in moments for yourself?

You wish you had the tools to better regulate your emotions and manage stress better?

You lack the ability to bounce back when the day just doesn’t go your way?

Then you’re in the right place.

What they say…

Here’s how it works.

01. Get your FREE Somatic Practice

The first step is to equip yourself with tools to help regulate your nervous system and ground you in daily life. Start by downloading a 3-minute guided practice that helps release built-up tension and bring balance to your nervous system.

02. Explore 1:1 Offerings

Embark on a personalized journey to reconnect with yourself. In my 1:1 sessions, I provide a nurturing space for moms to heal and transform using the powerful modalities of Reiki, Somatics, and Breathwork.

03. Get Ready to GROW

Deepen your journey to nervous system peace and resilience with the on-demand GROW program. Learn about the nervous system and somatics, and take away practical tools you can easily incorporate into your daily life as a busy mom.

A Free Somatic Practice
for Moms

Grab your free 3-minute guided somatic practice to release tension and restore balance to your nervous system.

Meet Anna

Hi there, I'm Anna - a mama, nature-lover and seeker of healing and growth.

My journey, including motherhood, has been filled with twists and turns that have led me to deep personal transformation and alignment with my authentic self. Becoming a mom marked a pivotal turning point, bringing clarity about what truly matters and solidifying my passion for supporting fellow mamas.

Along this winding path, I've immersed myself in mind-body healing modalities like Somatics, Nervous System Regulation, Reiki, Breathwork, Qigong and more. These practices transformed my own life so profoundly that I became a Reiki practitioner. This journey has not only deepened my personal growth but also equipped me to walk alongside other moms through the ever-changing, beautifully messy seasons of motherhood and life itself.

Nature is my happy place, where I find peace and inspiration. You can often find me getting out on the water, sipping a matcha latte, immersing myself in a craft project, or simply taking in the beauty that surrounds us - often with my little one in tow, sharing these moments of joy and connection.